Help:Editing Family Relationships

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Here is how to change and remove family member relationships on WikiTree.


Editing Family Relationships

To change a parent, sibling, spouse, or child relationship, click to the edit page for one of the people.

Then look in the right column under "Edit Family." Under the Father, Mother, Siblings, Spouses, and Children sections you will see links such as "[edit]" and "[add/remove a spouse]".

Editing Distant Relationships

How do you edit a relationship to a grandparent or great-grandparent?

You can't do this directly. All relationships on WikiTree are from one profile to another. More distant relationships grow out from those primary, nuclear relationships.

If an ancestor is incorrect, you need to isolate the parent-child relationship in the chain of relationships that is incorrect and remove that connection.

Removing Family Relationships

Removing family members is done from the same edit pages as adding and changing them, described in the section above.

The one exception is siblings.

Sibling relationships are based on the parents. If two people share one or both parents they are considered siblings. To remove a brother or sister you need to remove the incorrect parental connection.

For example, let's say Child-X and Child-Y appear as brothers because Father-Z is connected as the father for both. If this is incorrect, you need to remove Father-Z from either Child-X or Child-Y. You can do this from the father's or child's edit page.

Restoring or Adding-Back Relationships

What if you accidentally removed or replaced a family member?

To add back a relationship between two profiles, click to the edit page for one of them and find the WikiTree ID for the other. Then proceed as above. The first section of the form for adding a family member lets you connect an existing profile.

Editing Spouses

Spouses are generally edited in the same way as blood relationships. However, marriage information is edited independently. See Help:Editing Marriages.

See also:

Creating New Family Members

See Adding Family.

This page was last modified 20:31, 8 October 2021. This page has been accessed 15,592 times.